Burgemeester Stekelenburgplein 199
5041 SC Tilburg
The webshop HappyFarmer distinguishes itself by offering a brand-independent and extensive range of milking robot parts, parlor parts and related barn products. This assortment consists not only of simple wear parts, such as nipple liners, hoses and brushes. We are particularly specialized in milking technology parts. Their technical knowledge and innovative drive keeps them developing new products.
HappyFarmer approached us because they were not satisfied with their current agency. HappyFarmer’s issue is that they want to become more digitally mature and further internationalization is high on the agenda. It is up to us to start doing this together as smartly and successfully as possible.
So the question is: how can we start internationalizing in a smart, scalable and efficient way?
”We worked with another marketing agency before we started with nextlane. The other party did not strategically think along with our business. Something nextlane does from the beginning. We are very happy with our cooperation.
Hans SturkenboomCo-owner of HappyFarmer
HappyFarmer’s domain was originally and was managed with an outdated CMS. With internationalization in mind, we advised switching to a .com domain. This became We also switched to a new CMS to support the internationalization desire and to enable more efficient product management. We chose Shopify for this purpose.
We developed a clear migration plan to carefully transfer the accumulated value of to the new domain.
In addition to a thorough SEO migration, we also performed a SEA and data migration, allowing us to internationalize quickly and scalably. For SEA, we set up an MCC structure with MCC conversion tracking and shared audiences at the MCC level. We integrated Channable as a feed management tool and chose Klaviyo as ESP. To measure the data as accurately as possible, we set up direct server-side tracking during the migration.
Before the migration, we mapped the keywords on which was ranking well organically. We included these keywords in specific SEA campaigns, since a domain migration always results in a (temporary) drop in rankings. Thus, we made sure that this was taken care of in the short term with SEA.
After the migration, we optimized all SEA campaigns and redesigned the campaign structure, with a focus on Google Shopping. Hie
Deze case laat zien dat het belang van een goed uitgedachte migratie strategie op basis van het vraagstuk van cruciaal belang is. Het goed in kaart brengen van de wensen en behoefte van de klant en dit doorvertalen naar een strategisch CMS en juiste toolset. De impact van de migratie was door de aanpak minimaal op korte termijn en maximaal op lange termijn. We hebben namelijk na een kleine dip direct de organische zichtbaarheid teruggepakt en verbeterd op internationaal vlak. HappyFarmer is nu klaar om verder te schaalbaar en efficiënt te kunnen internationaliseren.
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